Our ambition: develop a specific demand for your brand by acting upon its environment through the implementation of a market conditioning strategy.
TERRA FIRMA has integrated its daughter company RanD, a healthcare communication agency created in 1994, to continue its specific market conditioning successful activity. Specialist in producing high value content (infosourcing), Terra Firma maximizes the sourcing effect working with international Key Opinion Leaders’ experts groups and disseminates its messages towards every identified target to help raise the awareness of Unmet Medical Needs that your brand is a solution for and therefore increases its demand.
Terra Firma is a services provider integrator – working with every best service provider – guarantying the global coherence of every operator involved (scientific events organizers, Public Relations specialists, App development companies, travel agencies, video producers,…). TERRA FIRMA operates both in France and at international levels (Europe, Asia, North America). As part of this, Terra Firma is the leading operational partner of the Translational Medicine Academy, a not for profit network of organizations www.translationalmedicineacademy.org ).
TERRA FIRMA works in full respect of both local and international regulatory constraints especially regarding the transparency of potential conflicts of interest of health professionals.
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